Here at John N Amber Farm we are a small family hobby farm where we raise a small fold of grass fed Highland Cattle for personal meat, hide and horns.
They are a hardy breed, having been bred to withstand the conditions in the Scottish Highlands. Their long hair gives this breed the ability to easily winter. Bulls can weigh up to 1,800 pounds and cows can weigh up to 1,100 pounds. Their milk generally has a very high butterfat content, and their meat, regarded as one of the highest quality, is lower in cholesterol than other varieties of beef.
New Bull purchased Jan. 2020
Picture coming soon!
Breed Information
- The Highland breed is primarily used for beef, but can be milked on a small scale. Their milk has a high butterfat content.
- A group of Highland cattle is not called a herd, but a ‘fold’ instead.
- Their coat coloring can vary between ginger, black, brindle, yellow and even white!
- Their hair is always long, sometimes reaching about 13 inches. Their coat is double-layered, the outer hair is oiled to prevent rain seeping into their skin, while the downy undercoat provides warmth during the rough and rainy Scottish winters.
- Highland cattle aren’t very large, with bulls weighing about 1,800 pounds and cows up to 1,100 pounds
- They have long and distinctive horns, which actually help them forage for food during during snowy winters! They can use their horns as a way to dig deep into pastures.
- They have great longevity! They’re known to live for about 20 years; a considerably longer lifespan than other beef breeds. The average number of calves per cow is 12, and some cows can still calve into their eighteenth year!
- Highland cattle health is quite good! Their short legs ensure that problems are also kept to a minimum, and their long fringes protect their eyes and facial area.
- These cattle are quite docile, but can be protective if their young are threatened.
- Since they retain their body heat by having a thick coat and not by storing excess fat, their meat is quite lean. Studies show that their beef is about 38% lower in fat than other beef breeds. It’s also 4% lower in cholesterol. When cross-bred with larger sires such as Shorthorn or Limousin, their meat becomes much more commercially desirable. These crosses have carcasses that still retain the tenderness of Highland beef, just on a larger scale. Highland beef is also well-marbled, with high protein and iron levels.